Friday 7 November 2014


OK..... THIS PLACE IS AMAZING!! I would absolutely thrive in a place like this! It's the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science in Canada... Done by the extremely talented Saucier + Perotte architects, this interactive and informative centre truly has a way of keeping the visitors entertained and educated while they wait for appointments etc.... SO stunning! For more info, click on the link!


So construction dry-run hand in happened yesterday.... Let's just say: 


Next step - DETAIL DESIGN PART 2! I've made some changes to my design... They have improved the design and have helped to simplify the elements and add more character to the spaces... This was a pretty difficult task, but hey - I managed to do quite a lot considering the level of difficulty of the design... The final product is really going to be quite something.... here is what I have so far :) 

Tuesday 4 November 2014


Just hit procrastination station... Busy working on construction and I desperately needed a break.... Look what I stumbled upon... Our future looks so epic I can't wait to see what else people come up with!!

Sunday 2 November 2014



This is soooooo impressive - blown away!! So simple but the play with lights and the use of metal... lovely! For more information, visit the link!

Friday 31 October 2014


WOWZA! What a week! Almost no sleep and minimal sustenance, but the final product is just about 90% complete.... Jeepers I truly have no other words other than THANK GOODNESS IT'S OVER! Just a little taste of the amount of work that has gone into this hand in..... 


Friday 17 October 2014


Here are my proposed final poster layouts! I have taken the main inspiration from the Eclipse logo design - the three stripes are from the "lip" in eclipse, and the colour choices are part of the identity of the museum. The rest kinda speaks for itself :) Please comment and suggest improvements! 


Please comment and suggest any improvements or changes!! :)

Contents pages

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Monday 29 September 2014


So here is my final product design! I wasn't 100% happy with the outcome of the product but the posters look pretty cool :) I didn't quite get to finishing my 3rd product but watch this space... It will be there soon! 

Monday 22 September 2014


So, here's my final product design hand result as well as a photo of my final design.. It was such a hectic learning curb for me as a designer. There were so many problems with getting this pendant finished, and as you can see, the final product still wasn't perfect, but it will be for final design portfolio! I got it made in Joburg through a family friend, and asked for it to get copper plated, using a gold copper coloured metal, and it came back to PE in a light metallic pink colour, so that needs fixing ASAP! I got the outside of it sprayed black at an autobody shop - one that specialises in the restoration of old cars, so they really know their stuff. The black turned out stunning :) Have a look... 

Final light design - hanging a bit skew but still a pretty picture perfect final design...

The bulb I used comes from CT from Hoi P'loy designs - ITS HUGE! 

Tuesday 16 September 2014


So we were required to do an assembly animation of our buildings to show how our buildings are put together structurally with the use of 3D Max and Movie Maker. We could focus on whatever aspects of the building we wanted to as long as everything was clear throughout the video. 

I decided to divide the building into 4 different sections, namely the existing science centre, the existing unused buildings, the proposed Eclipse space museum and the Planetarium. They are all clearly indicated through the use of different colours. This is just the rough hand in I did for out prelim presentation. To be updated!! 

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Detail design for days!! We needed three spaces to detail for our first hand in for detail design, so these are the three I chose:

ABOVE: Reception area detail design 

ABOVE: Barista area detail design 

ABOVE: Half moon display detail design 

These drawings aren't rendered but my posters are! Watch this space for updates :)

Monday 25 August 2014


We have been working really hard on getting our technical drawings done and dusted for our product designs to get approval for manufacturing one of them for our year end portfolio.. So I have decided to manufacture the Eclipse Pendant light... All the info about the light is in the PDF below. The other two products which I designed are the Stria Wall Mounted Light  and the Vortex Outdoor Lamp which are seen in the PDFs below. You can also refer back to the inspirational posters for my products in my previous post!

ABOVE: Eclipse Pendant Light Technical Drawings

ABOVE: Stria Wall Mounted Light Technical Drawings

ABOVE: Vortex Outdoor Lamp Technical Drawings 

Friday 22 August 2014


I love how all of this furniture transforms completely into something new! The fact that everything is so compact and neat is truly inspiring! Have a look at the future of designing for small spaces :) 

Sunday 17 August 2014


It truly leaves me awestruck at how beautiful our world is... I am constantly amazed at the natural phenomena that are documented and researched... All in order for us to understand the universe better and be exposed to these stunning natural events all around the world... This is definitely on my bucket list!! 

Friday 8 August 2014


As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I have changed my proposed space's name to Eclipse. I have used my new identity and concept in all my product designs.... in conjunction with my selected theories of course!! So this is my new logo - the "C" and the "P" have been mirrored with the same eclipsed circular form, and the simplistic style of the font and the remainder of the logo are done in such a way as to allow the curved lines to be dominant in the name, thus making the link between the two deliberately visible. 

Finalised Eclipse logo design 

As for the products, these posters pretty much speak for themselves... 

Thursday 7 August 2014


Dave Nemeth is one of South Africa's most prestigious trend forecasters - he is the guy who flies around the world and keeps up to date with various facets of life, including politics, art, fashion, architecture etc. in order to give the rest of us oblivious human beings appropriate and accurate exposure to some of the most innovative and forward thinking designs of our time. 

Waterproof watches packaged in a bag of water - customers like to be sure of what they are buying.

His yearly trend report always includes many various topics, from Graphic Designers' latest futuristic works, to the newest and most popular way to merge this new "hipster" movement with today's forward thinking and fast paced lifestyle. 

Coca-Cola developed 16 different lid applications for their bottles so they could be reused in poverty stricken countries like Vietnam as a way to gain more market share.

I was privileged to listen to one of his talks this week and was pleasantly surprised at how much of what he spoke about was so extremely relevant to my BTech proposal and how much I could improve my design by implementing his trend suggestions into various areas of my design. 

One example he gave us to illustrate how designers are constantly pushing boundaries and will always have to keep up with the fast paced technologically advanced era we live in, as well as accommodating for clients who tend to get bored very quickly due to our current lifestyles, was this video of the Evolution Door by Klemens Torggler. His redesigned approach to the everyday door is mind-blowing and so unique; you can't help but be intrigued and amazed!!!

Follow Dave on twitter at @Davenemeth or on Facebook... or you could just google him :) 

Saturday 2 August 2014


So we are starting with product design this term and I have been inspired by SO many different things!! 

But this video allows for any material to become stain and waterproof!! i.e. I will be coating every single public surface with it!!! It uses nanotechnology :) YES PLEASE! 

I also found some awesome materials which I plan on incorporating into my space in various applications. 

Cell LED felt carpeting to be used as a wall cladding

LED lit Corian to be used for displays 

Maizey high glass Plexiglas to be used for sections of the flooring and bulkheads throughout the space

Maizey Crystal Ice Plexiglas to be used for displays

Intelligent glass to be used in the bathrooms 

Maizey Plexiglas Resist roof sheeting to be used for the restaurant and skylight 
For more interesting materials visit:

Wednesday 30 July 2014


Just some ideas for furniture that I had, along with some inspiration pictures... There is still a lot to develop and the key features still need to be evolved as such but its a start! :) 

Tuesday 29 July 2014


My newly developed floor plan to suit my new identity and concept :)


Making use of something like 3D mapping can help create a very realistic context around the exhibits; it can transport the users to an alternate reality due to the 3D effect it has as well as the scale at which it is used. 

The Radio City Christmas Spectacular makes use of 3D mapping to immerse audience

Collider audio visual performance - biggest indoor projection mapping project in Europe ever! 

Using boxes or crates as the basic form of the projection surface, the moving imagery on the surface can be changed and manipulated how you see fit. 

"Eat My Dear" direct spectacular circular 3D projection 

Trains, UFO's and an Outrageous Warehouse Fire - 3D mapping demo at DP's US Headquarters

Friday 25 July 2014


So, it's back to the grindstone after a wonderful holiday. Due to the feedback given at the June Portfolio Exam, I have now decided to completely change my space as well as my identity. My space will now be called Eclipse Planetarium and Cosmic Museum. This will play a big role in how I choose to manipulate the space and the forms I choose to use. I decided that I am now going to be using more organic forms inspired by the organic form of a circle - (due to the form of an eclipse) a lot of the existing space museums make use of circles as their main form in the space due to the planets being round etc. 

This has inspired me to push the boundaries of what is expected and what is the norm, and alter it to forms which are abnormal in nature and create a complete 3D experience for the users throughout the space. I will also make use of a lot more metals in my designs to link back to the previous function of the building, playing on the concept of old vs. new. The elements in the space will also play with scale a lot, taking most of the inspiration from surrealism. 

So watch this space!! 

Saturday 14 June 2014

Monday 9 June 2014


This was the portfolio I handed in for computers - it includes the three renders of my bathroom picture and a few stills from my lumion fly-through. 


So we had to do a short movie clip for our computers portfolio today on Lumion to show our buildings in context. This is the video of my fly-through around my building...

Friday 23 May 2014


So yesterday was our final design hand in for this semester before dry run (pre-portfolio portfolio exam) and our mid year portfolio exam... Again, I didn't get to finish all my 3D renders on the computer because my CAD file was corrupt and kept crashing (typical for it to happen the night before hand in)... I played around with a new layout style for my posters, and my lecturer said they were okay I must just leave the cut corners uncut and organise the pictures and text into a more grid-like form.... Otherwise my space is starting to come to life with the computer rendered 3D's... 

The first 2 renders are complete - I used Lumion for this hand-in as the materials added to the components are look very realistic and atmosphere can be added to the renders when you hand render over them. The only problem I had was getting the lighting right in the Museum space - this will be a vital part of my presentation for portfolio due to the fact that my entire museum space is developed around the atmosphere that the lighting provides, especially due to the dark nature of the materials used and the space itself having no natural light coming in.... 

Feedback is always appreciated :)