Thursday 7 August 2014


Dave Nemeth is one of South Africa's most prestigious trend forecasters - he is the guy who flies around the world and keeps up to date with various facets of life, including politics, art, fashion, architecture etc. in order to give the rest of us oblivious human beings appropriate and accurate exposure to some of the most innovative and forward thinking designs of our time. 

Waterproof watches packaged in a bag of water - customers like to be sure of what they are buying.

His yearly trend report always includes many various topics, from Graphic Designers' latest futuristic works, to the newest and most popular way to merge this new "hipster" movement with today's forward thinking and fast paced lifestyle. 

Coca-Cola developed 16 different lid applications for their bottles so they could be reused in poverty stricken countries like Vietnam as a way to gain more market share.

I was privileged to listen to one of his talks this week and was pleasantly surprised at how much of what he spoke about was so extremely relevant to my BTech proposal and how much I could improve my design by implementing his trend suggestions into various areas of my design. 

One example he gave us to illustrate how designers are constantly pushing boundaries and will always have to keep up with the fast paced technologically advanced era we live in, as well as accommodating for clients who tend to get bored very quickly due to our current lifestyles, was this video of the Evolution Door by Klemens Torggler. His redesigned approach to the everyday door is mind-blowing and so unique; you can't help but be intrigued and amazed!!!

Follow Dave on twitter at @Davenemeth or on Facebook... or you could just google him :) 

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