Monday 22 September 2014


So, here's my final product design hand result as well as a photo of my final design.. It was such a hectic learning curb for me as a designer. There were so many problems with getting this pendant finished, and as you can see, the final product still wasn't perfect, but it will be for final design portfolio! I got it made in Joburg through a family friend, and asked for it to get copper plated, using a gold copper coloured metal, and it came back to PE in a light metallic pink colour, so that needs fixing ASAP! I got the outside of it sprayed black at an autobody shop - one that specialises in the restoration of old cars, so they really know their stuff. The black turned out stunning :) Have a look... 

Final light design - hanging a bit skew but still a pretty picture perfect final design...

The bulb I used comes from CT from Hoi P'loy designs - ITS HUGE! 

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