Friday 23 May 2014


So yesterday was our final design hand in for this semester before dry run (pre-portfolio portfolio exam) and our mid year portfolio exam... Again, I didn't get to finish all my 3D renders on the computer because my CAD file was corrupt and kept crashing (typical for it to happen the night before hand in)... I played around with a new layout style for my posters, and my lecturer said they were okay I must just leave the cut corners uncut and organise the pictures and text into a more grid-like form.... Otherwise my space is starting to come to life with the computer rendered 3D's... 

The first 2 renders are complete - I used Lumion for this hand-in as the materials added to the components are look very realistic and atmosphere can be added to the renders when you hand render over them. The only problem I had was getting the lighting right in the Museum space - this will be a vital part of my presentation for portfolio due to the fact that my entire museum space is developed around the atmosphere that the lighting provides, especially due to the dark nature of the materials used and the space itself having no natural light coming in.... 

Feedback is always appreciated :) 

Monday 19 May 2014


These are the drawings of the existing building that I handed in for our final elevation and section project for our construction subject..

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Monday 12 May 2014


One big thing I noticed about the current Nelson Mandela Bay Science and Technology Centre (part of my proposed site) is that there is very, very little marketing happening to promote the centre and make the surrounding towns aware of it. I was completely oblivious to its existence until I started my proposal for BTech! There are no signs along the road indicating directions to the Science Centre, no signs stating you are near it... NADA.... So I designed a few posters for my proposed space which could possibly draw in more visitors and make schools aware of it for tours etc... 

Saturday 10 May 2014


So, the time has come to start all the technical drawings for this monstrosity of a site... I struggled with the plumbing and municipal lines at first but after a few crits I got the hang of it. 

It's just shy of three weeks before portfolio - I think it's safe to say I have never been more nervous for anything in my entire life! These were just the preliminary hand-ins for out as-built portfolio. The worst is still to come!! 


These posters show the development of my spaces - taking the design one step further by incorporating the components into the space an playing with colours, textures and tying together some of the loose ends to show the interior spaces as a whole and try and create spaces which speak the same or at least a similar design language... The hand renderings aren't my best, they don't really communicate the atmosphere of the space too well but at least you can see how the components were incorporated and how I expanded from my first set of posters... Again, excuse the quality.... I didn't quite get round to rendering everything 100% - most of my initial hand-ins are incomplete but are worked on throughout the semester (obvs)..